Why Does Your Dog Drag Its Bottom Along the Floor?

There are numerous reasons as to why your dog drags its bottom across the floor. 
It may be because your dog needs to have its anal gland emptied. As you can imagine this is an unpleasant job especially for the dog and can be quite smelly. 
Emptying the anal gland involves applying a small amount of pressure to either side of the dog's anus. This needs to be done relatively firmly so that the sacs on either side of the anus expel the liquid and faeces that may be still retained there. 
This is probably best to leave to your vet, but if you watch your vet do it enough times it may give you the confidence to do it yourself. Personally speaking I get my vet to do this procedure, just not my cup of tea I guess.
Your dog may be constipated
Another cause of bottom dragging may be constipation, no not yours-the dog's. Seriously though, if your dog is in fine health and quite young constipation should not be a problem. However, if it is a problem you may need to look at the food that you are giving the dog. Moist or semi-moist dog food contributes to constipation allot. Also if your dog is over weight more exercise may be in order as this can also be a cause of constipation. Also make sure-and this goes without saying, that you dog always has access to clean and fresh and plenty of water.
It may be worms
Your dog may be the most highly trained and gifted dog in the world, but no amount of training will teach your dog to itch its bottom.When your dog drags its bottom across the floor it may be alleviating an itch caused by worms. If you do suspect worms, simply take a faecal specimen to your vet for them to look for evidence of worms.
Tapeworms look like pieces of rice but many types of worms can not be seen by the naked eye. Other than bottom dragging evidence of worms includes your dog having a bloated tummy, the dog may be lethargic, look thin, eat allot, cough when running or playing and may have runny stools. If your dog has fleas he may be likely to have tapeworm also as this comes when the dog has eaten a pregnant female flea when biting and itching.
Visit here on dog training tips.


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