Why Does My Dog Eat Poop?

Once you have a dog in your life - the love you feel for your pet is indescribable. You now understand with deep conviction the true meaning of "puppy love".
Perhaps you just got a new pup or you've had your pup for a while. Whichever the case may be, you now have developed a healthy bond with your dog. In your eyes, your dog can do no wrong.
Then one day you catch your dog eating his own poop. Your reaction is nothing short of horrific. It is akin to the feeling you had when your first beautiful date walked in with a large pimple on his or her face. It's the disillusionment of perfection. In short, it makes your stomach turn.
At this point, another terrifying thought enters you mind - when was the last time your dog licked you? You're guessing this is probably not the first time your dog has eaten his poop. 
You look at your dog and as he looks up at you adoringly, all you can think about is what antibacterial soap could you use to wash his tongue out with? This, of course is not a good idea - you need to banish this thought immediately. We will be discussing things you can do to stop this behavior.
The condition where a dog eats his own or some other animal's poop has a scientific name - it's called Coprophagy.
Why does my dog eat poop? What causes Coprophagy?
Some of the more common reasons are:
Your dog could have parasites or worms, depleting nutrients his body needs.
He may just be hungry - perhaps he needs a little more food than he is getting.
If he is a puppy, he may just be curious - not knowing any better.
The breed of your dog may be more prone to this behavior.
His food may be high in fat and low in fiber or lacking in some nutrient he needs.
He may just be bored or nervous or anxious.
If he has seen you pick up his poop, it's possible that he has observed you and is learning to do the same from you.
There may be a number of other reasons. The first thing to do is to make sure your dog is healthy. Once you are certain he does not have any kind of parasite and his diet is well balanced, you can take steps to stop this behavior.
If your dog is punished for going poop in the house, he may eat it to avoid the punishment or disapproval from you. Do not punish him. If you catch him doing this, clean up the mess right away and take him outside. Instead, reward him for his good behavior.
You may want to look into changing your dog's diet. Find out exactly what kind of food is appropriate for your dog's breed and age. Consulting your vet is a good idea; make sure you choose the highest quality foods for your dog.
Clean up right after your pet eliminates - before he has a chance to eat his poop. This will stop him from having access to his poop and hopefully will break him of this habit.
When taking him for walks, make sure you have your dog on a leash. This gives you control over him. You can stop him from approaching his or any other poop he finds along the way. Reward or praise him when he obeys you.
In general, make sure your dog is fed and walked on a regular schedule. Keep your dog entertained and well nurtured. Boredom can cause all kinds of behavioral problems.
If the problem persists, you can try adding pineapple, pineapple juice or pumpkin to his food. This should make his poop unappealing to him.
Coprophagy is a hard habit to break, but with a lot of patience and persistence on your part - this habit will be a thing of the past and your "puppy love" can reach new heights. 

If you want to develop your dog's hidden intelligence to eliminate bad behavior and create the obedient, well-behaved pet of your dream...visit here.

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Dog lover Notebook consists of 120 blank lined pages for you to write down your ideas, poems, diary and school notes. Size 6 x 9 inches with Matt finished cover. Perfect gift ideas for kids, teen, tweens, boys, girls and adults.

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