Why Does My Dog Dig?

So I assume you have been going crazy asking yourself why does my dog dig. 

There are a lot of different reasons your dog digging up your yard, the flowers, the garden, or whatever else he can get his paws on. 

Here are a few of the most common reasons but keep in mind there could still be other causes.

One reason could be boredom. This may sound silly but when your dog gets bored he can't just go and flip on the TV so what does he do? 

He goes and starts digging up the yard. An easy solution to try fixing this problem is to get him some new toys out in the yard. 

Try some toys that you can stuff treats inside so it takes some effort to get them out. This will help him burn off some of that excess energy and give him something to do for a while.
Another common reason is loneliness. Your dog may not be getting enough attention, maybe you don't play with him much anymore? 

For shame you had better start paying more attention to your dog and you may be pleasantly surprised to see that he has stopped destroying your flower garden.

You may also think about getting another dog for him to play with, it is less common for your dog to dig out of boredom or loneliness if he has a friend.
One more common answer to the question why does my dog dig is that he is digging these holes to try to hide things for later. 

Maybe he is trying to hide a bone or a toy or anything that he may want to save for later.

This is one of the more difficult issues to solve for your dog as this is kind of an instinct for most dogs. The only real answer to this one is training. 

You have to train your dog and teach him that he does not have to hide things because they will always be available to him later. This one could take some effort on your part.
I suggest you check out here to learn the proper ways to train your dog. If you are not careful and you train your dog incorrectly it may lead to more problems than you started with. Thank you and good luck.


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